The screen is an output device that allows displaying characters. The way to communicate with the screen is through a system call. This is done for simplicity, as a real screen is much more complex.
With the call INT 7
, a string of characters is written to the screen. It receives two parameters:
: length of the string to printBX
: memory address where the string starts
org 1000h
string db "Hello!"
org 2000h
mov bx, offset string
mov al, 5
int 7
; "Hello!" (without quotes) is printed on the screen.
int 0
There are three special characters:
- The backspace character (
, 8 in decimal) erases the previous character; - The line feed character (
, 10 in decimal) effectively prints a line break — useful for not printing everything on a single line; - The form feed character (
, 12 in decimal) clears the screen.